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Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Tears at Afghanistan heroes’ return to UK

Close family and friends of Corporal Channing Day grieve adjacent to the hearse
Tears ... family and friends grieve for lost soldiers

SOBBING mourners reach to touch a hearse as the bodies of two more heroes from Afghanistan are returned to the UK.

Corporal Channing Day, 25, of 3 Medical Regiment — the third woman soldier to be killed — was repatriated with Cpl David O’Connor, 27, of 40 Commando Royal Marines, as hundreds paid respects at Carterton, Oxon, yesterday.
The brave soldiers were killed in Helmand Province last Wednesday.
They came under fire as they travelled to conduct training with Afghan Local Police.
 Corporal Channing Day
Killed ... Channing Day and David O'Connor

LifeStyle: Is Britain world's No.1 for tattoos?

Body art ... Cheryl Cole shows off her tattoos on her hand and thigh

BRITAIN is the most tattooed nation in the world, with an estimated 20 million designs decorating our bodies and the number of parlours more than doubling in just three years.

While body art used to be associated with sailors, criminals and thugs, nowadays people from all walks of life can be seen wearing it with pride.
High-profile tattoo fans include David Beckham and Cheryl Cole.
David Beckham
Ink-redible ... heavily-tattooed David Beckham
Even PM’s wife Samantha Cameron has a dolphin inking on her ankle. But last week music store HMV caused controversy by banning shop staff from displaying inked skin.
Many questioned the move in an age when tattoos appear to have become so mainstream.
Here, we speak to a variety of Brits about their designs.


HANNAH FARMER, 31, got her first tattoo at 17 and hasn’t looked back. The martial arts ace, from Chadwell Heath, East London, said:
“MOST of my tattoos are based around martial arts and strong women. I am a firm believer that women are fierce and powerful.
“I’ve also got two geisha figures and an eagle, which brings courage and wisdom.
Hannah Farmer
Martial art ... Hannah Farmer
“On a rib I have an angel who is fallen on her knees, naked, with a sword. This represents a time in my life when I lost some competitive fights, so it symbolises that although I’m fallen I am not beaten mentally.
“My next tattoo will be a geisha looking into a mirror, but her reflection is a skeleton.
“It will depict the fact that how we see ourselves is not how others see us. I don’t just choose tattoos because they look pretty – all my tattoos mean something deeper.”


DAVID DALE has a tattoo with a function – it shows a “medic alert” code letting paramedics know he has Type 1 diabetes. The engineer, 27, from Dunblane, Stirling, said:
“I COULD fall into a hypoglycaemic coma at any time. I used to wear a dog-tag chain around my neck with information about my condition but kept forgetting to put it on.
David Dale
Practical ... David Dale got tattoo of a medical alert in case he falls into a coma
“I came up with the idea of getting a red ‘medic alert’ tattoo on my forearm last summer. It has a unique code, which paramedics can use to quickly trace my medical history. So the tattoo could save my life.
“It was my first tattoo and my mates all chipped in to pay for it for my birthday.
“I was a bit scared about telling my mum, as she isn’t a huge tattoo fan – but she said it was a genius idea and that it gave her peace of mind.”


IT engineer Sean Lecky has a tattoo his cousin Ryan always wanted to get – before he died in September 2008, just three months before his 18th birthday. Sean, 26, from Northampton, said:
“RYAN had ataxic cerebral palsy. He was just like any other teenage boy except he couldn’t walk or talk, and it used to annoy him that people treated him like an idiot. I think I was the only one who spoke to him like a 17-year-old.
“I already had a few tattoos and Ryan really wanted to get one of a black skull.
Shaun Lecky
Memorial ... Shaun Lecky got inking for his cousin who died before he could get it done
“Sadly he never made it, so I got the tattoo he was planning inked on my arm instead.
“People think it’s a sad story when I tell them, but it’s not – it’s a celebration of his life. I’ve got my ribs, one entire arm and one leg tattooed too. People give me funny looks but I don’t care – they’re special to me.”


THREE years ago Shaun Slicker became one of the youngest men in the UK to be diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Now 26, the Mancunian has 45 tattoos and gets at least one a month. He said:
“ONE of the worst things about Parkinson’s is the boredom. Whenever I feel depression creeping up I begin planning a new tattoo. I have at least one done every month – last month I had five.
Shaun Slicker
Tatt'll do ... Parkinson's sufferer Shaun Slicker gets a design every month
“I’ve spent £4,000 on tattoos in the last three years but I’m not ready to stop – I’ve already booked my 46th.
“I had my children’s names and their star signs on my arm and one on my back with my wife’s name and the date we got married – those ones are very special to me.”

Fran the cat lover

FRAN DAILEY, 23, from Newtown, Powys, has tattoos on her back in memory of five cats she has owned, plus 14 other inkings. The professional tattooist said:
“I HAD the tatts done to show my dedication to the cats and to show what a difference they made to my life.
“I did consider having their cremation dust tattooed on to me, but discovered the body often rejects this, so decided against it.
“The artwork on my back took 20 hours in eight-hour chunks.
“The joke is I actually hate being tattooed. If you could knock me out I would be happier. But the pain is worth it – once you have one tattoo done it becomes addictive.
“I now have five more cats but I think if any died now I would just have a very small cartoon of it – otherwise I don’t know how I’d fit them all on.
Fran Dailey
Purr-fect ... Fran Dailey has tattoo tributes to her dead cats
The first five were all very poorly and came from a sanctuary. I made sure I took home the sickest ones as I knew they would never be rehomed otherwise. Sadly all five died within a year.
“I loved the cats so much that I also wear a necklace that has five lockets on it, each locket containing fur from the dead cats.
“And in my lounge I have five boxes containing the cats’ ashes. Each cremation cost £100.
“My boyfriend of four years loves the tattoos and when people see my body art in a racer-back vest they always come over to chat to me about them.”

Oops! Restaurant offers ‘hottest chicken wings’ challenge...haha

Hot stuff ... diner takes on challenge

DINERS are being offered an eye-watering challenge - to eat the hottest chicken wings in Britain.

Brave restaurant-goers who take on the Hot Wings Challenge have to devour six pieces of chicken in ten minutes without a drink.
And although it sounds easy, each wing is laced with the infamous Naga Viper chilli – a pepper 250 times hotter than a jalapeno.
It registers an incredible 1.3m on the Scoville scale for chilli heat and is so corrosive it has to be handled with gloves.
The challenge is on the menu of the Red Dog Saloon in Hoxton, East London, but not many complete it successfully,
Owner Tom Berk said: “There are very specific rules for the Hot Wings Challenge, which are the same for everybody and which we are very tough on.

EACH wing is laced with infamous Naga Viper chilli, a pepper 250 times hotter than a jalapeño
“By eating them you have to pick them up and eat them off the bone - you are not allowed to remove the meat from the bone first.
“You are not allowed to leave the table, you are not allowed anything to drink.
“Once you have eaten the wings we stop the clock and start a fresh clock and there is a five minute burn-time where the same rules apply.
“You do all that and you become a champion.”
On average about 50 people take on the hot wings challenge each week – but only about two or three succeed.

Grosvenor London opens outlet in Lagos, Nigeria

Grosvenor London will be opening their new outlet on 63 Awolowo Road Ikoyi, come 1st of November 2012.   
Grosvenor London is a one-stop emporium for the lady and gentleman seeking shirts and accessories of style and distinction. The flagship destination store is nestled in the heart of Mayfair, one of the city’s most vibrant villages synonymous with luxury boutiques and famous for eclectic tastes and style. Grosvenor is the perfect location to showcase a collection of made to measure and ready to wear shirts that artfully combine English sartorial tradition and a unique, contemporary edge. 

Grosvenor Shirts are the perfect shirt for every occasion and build a brand that reflected his appreciation of craftsmanship, love of meticulous detail and drive to achieve excellence. Ready to wear comprises shirts styled with quiet elegance in the Classic Collection and the suitably titled Creative Collection that’s designed for days when a little more verve and vim is required. For ladies and gentlemen looking to define a look that’s personal, particular and full of panache, the Made to Measure service and selection of limited edition shirts provides just the right sense of occasion.

Does Kim Kardashian have another sex tape?

Report claims another video of Kim and former boyfriend Ray J has emerged

Kim Kardashian

 The beauty shot to fame in 2007 when an X-rated clip of herself with then boyfriend Ray J was leaked on the internet.
But more footage is allegedly back to haunt her as Showbizspy says a new tape has emerged of the former couple.
The saucy video, which is reportedly on sale for £24million, is said to be even raunchier than the one that made her famous.
It is believed to feature curvy Kim, who is now dating Kanye West, performing a variety of erotic acts.
It could now be released on DVD like Kim's first tape.
Kim Kardashian cuddles Ray J
Former lovers ... Kim cuddles Ray J
A source told Showbizspy: ”It’s definitely Kim in the video. And it’s even raunchier than her last one. "There are all kinds of eye-popping moments.
“Kim fears this will damage her relationship with Kanye West.”
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West
Dating ... Kim Kardashian with current squeeze Kanye West
Kanye West has recently been dogged by sex tape rumours as well, as a 20-minute video surfaced online of the rapper and a Kim Kardashian lookalike, who states her age (above 18) for the camera.
Kim Kardashian
The married woman, who tells Kanye that she doesn't have sex with her husband anymore, was not identified.
Kanye doesn't appear to be too hard on Kim about her raunchy past. In his newest single Clique, he raps: "Eat breakfast at Gucci/My girl a superstar all from a home movie."

Naked man tries to hitch a lift on a coach full of passengers

HOLIDAYMAKERS were given a very rude awakening by this ballsy bloke – who attempted to hitch a lift completely STARKERS.

The nude rambler was seen giving his entire body an airing as he attempted to flag down a tourist coach by the side of a road in Salzburg, Austria.
Brit passenger Lloyd Gibson, 26, was asleep on the coach when he awoke to the sight of the wanderer in his birthday suit.
He said: “I expected to see perhaps purple cows, or people singing in the mountains when I went to Austria — not a naked man flagging down my coach with his bratwurst on show.
“Perhaps he’d left his clothes up the mountain. We mostly thought it was funny but imagine if it had been a Saga coach holiday or something, it could have left some senior ladies quite flustered.”
Student Lloyd — who managed to snap the spectacle – added: “Funnily enough we didn’t stop for him.”
In Britain, a man known as the Naked Rambler was arrested again recently as he tried to walk nude through a picturesque Yorkshire town.

8m lose power as Sandy hammers New York causing £31bn damage

This aerial photo shows burned-out homes in the Breezy Point section of the Queens borough New York THESE scenes of complete devastation resemble the horrific aftermath of a giant tsunami in the Far East.
But this is New York after the unstoppable force of Superstorm Sandy laid it to waste yesterday.
Not even the shells of 100 homes in Breezy Point, Queens, remained after fires sparked by the terrifying weather ripped through them.
Homes in Beach Haven on the southern end of Long Beach Island, N.J. are severely damaged after superstorm Sandy moved through the area
Surge ... Jersey feels the force of the storm
Charred bikes, washing machines and barely recognisable furniture were all that was left by the storm, which had claimed more than 50 lives along America’s East Coast by last night.
The toll was expected to rise significantly, with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo saying: “I don’t think catastrophic or historic are too strong to explain the impact.”
Embattled Americans were warned that the cost of the disaster looked set to top £31billion.
Manhattan’s East Village
Sunk ... Manhattan’s East Village

Superstorm Sandy: Death toll rises on US east coast

NEW YORK is hit by severe flooding, fires and blackouts as cyclone hits the Eastern Seaboard
Among the deaths in New York were 11-year-old Jack Baumler and Michael Robson, 13, who were killed by a falling tree in Westchester County.
One of the most horrific deaths saw a 22-year-old Queens woman electrocuted after stepping into a puddle near downed power lines.
Neighbour Mahendra Chetram, 35, said: “I saw the girl across the street taking pictures of the live wire sparking near my car so I ran outside to move it.
A casket floated out of the grave in a cemetery in Crisfield, Md. after the effects of superstorm Sandy
Flooded ... a casket floats from its grave in Maryland
“She was still taking pictures as I backed down the street. Then I heard a loud shriek and it looks like how it does in the movies. Her body was gyrating, smoke was coming from her and within 25 seconds she was out. No movement.”
Gusts of around 80mph saw a 3ft-wide branch fatally injure a 29-year-old man after crashing into his bedroom.
On Long Island dad-of-two John Miller, 39, was killed in front of his family after a tree fell on him as they prepared to flee.

Superstorm Sandy: New Jersey ravaged

STATE left looking like a scene from a disaster movie with empty flooded roads and huge areas without power
On Staten Island, an off-duty NYPD officer was killed while trying to rescue his family from their flooding South Beach home.
Also on the island, where a huge tanker washed up on shore, the body of 13-year-old Angela Dresch was found under rubble after her house was destroyed by a catastrophic wave.
According to reports her father is still missing, while her teacher mother is critical in hospital.
People stand next to a house collapsed from superstorm Sandy in East Haven, Conn. after superstorm Sandy.
Destroyed ... home in East Haven, Connecticut
Neighbours said they ignored calls to leave because their home was looted during last year’s Tropical Storm Irene after they left.
Emergency workers were trying to save a further 60 people who stayed in their Fire Island homes. The storm, dubbed Frankenstorm after striking in Halloween week, took its first life in Canada as a falling sign hit a Toronto woman.
And a 62-year-old man was killed as he let his dog out on his porch in Oley, Pennsylvania.
Lower Manhattan
Snuffed out ... Lower Manhattan after power cuts and, bottom, as it should look
Sandy has affected 60million people in the US and left almost eight million homes without power.
The black-out led to one New Yorker losing a hand after he lit a firework thinking it was a candle.
President Obama declared a “major disaster” in New York and Long Island as flooded streets were littered with cars, hospitals closed and transport systems shut down.
A man walks down a street flooded street with his dog on his back after Hurricane Sandy October 30, 2012 in Hoboken, New Jersey.
Safety ... man heads fro dry land with belongings and dog
Nurses at New York University Langone Medical Centre had to evacuate 260 patients after it was flooded and power went down.
Babies were carried down nine flights of stairs while having oxygen manually pumped into their lungs after respirators failed.
All of New York’s major airports and many more along the East Coast remained shut yesterday. The subway system and major routes in and out of Manhattan were also out of action after being flooded.
Donnie Wahlberg is a victim of Frankenstorm

SUPERSTORM Sandy floods New Kids On The Block star's entire New York apartment
The New York Stock Exchange, schools and Broadway theatres all remained closed last night.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said: “This was a devastating storm — maybe the worst that we have ever experienced.
“The path of destruction that she left in her wake is going to be felt for quite some time and it will not be repaired overnight.”
 Downed power lines and a battered road is what superstorm Sandy left behind as people walk off the flooded Seaside Heights island
In New Jersey half the town of Hoboken was under water. Mayor Dawn Zimmer said the Hudson River “filled it like a bathtub”.
There were also dangerous water levels reported at the state’s Oyster Creek nuclear park.
President Obama cancelled his campaign events ahead of Tuesday’s election to deal with the disaster.
yellow cabs submerged
Swamped ... a fleet of yellow cabs under water in flooded parking lot in Hoboken, New Jersey

He will visit storm-ravaged areas of the New Jersey shore.
And New Jersey’s Republican governor Chris Christie — a high profile supporter of Obama’s presidential rival Mitt Romney — called the President’s reaction “outstanding”.
Mr Obama yesterday told victims of the storm “America is with you”. Praising emergency services at the Red Cross HQ in Washington, he added: “This is not over and there are still communities that could be affected. Listen to state and local officials and follow instructions.
rescuer carries a boy in street
Knee deep ... rescuer carries a boy in street
“It’s not clear that we have counted up all the fatalities at this point and it is something that is heartbreaking for the entire nation.”
As America mourned its dead, 1,175 National Guard troops were mobilised to prevent looting on properties in New York and Long Island.
Rescuers in Philadelphia pulled a man from the wreckage of a collapsed building on Monday — and promptly arrested him for looting.
boat stuck on train tracks
Run aground ... boat stuck on train tracks
Troublemakers took to Twitter threatening to ransack stores and burgle abandoned homes as Sandy wreaked havoc. And there were reports of looting in Queens.
New Yorkers without electricity were also said to be cracking open electricity boxes in the street to charge up their mobile phones.
Sandy — which had already claimed 67 lives as it swept through the Caribbean on its way to the US — was last night heading north.

UK airlines are hoping to resume flights to and from storm-lashed New York later today.
British Airways had to axe most of its services to New York and neighbouring Newark today, but hopes to get flights away to both cities later today.
It will be the first time since Sunday afternoon that BA has been able to operate to New York and Newark due to superstorm Sandy.
Virgin Atlantic, whose services have also been disrupted, is also hoping to fly to the two cities today.

Venus and Serena Williams arrives in Lagos, Nigeria

History was made again in Lagos on Tuesday as one of the Williams’ sisters and tennis icon, Venus Williams, finally arrived in Lagos, as widely reported in the local and international media. 
Venus, the older of the two world's renowned tennis icons, arrived in Lagos, Nigeria's commercial capital about 3:35pm, aboard a Delta Airline flight. She was welcomed to the hands of officials of Connect Marketing Services Ltd and scores of journalists, who had waited anxiously outside of the arrival lounge of the Murtala Mohammed International Airport (MMIA), Ikeja.

Her sister, Serena, who has just clinched the WTA title which just ended in Istanbul, Turkey, arrived in Lagos at 9pm local time, on Tuesday.
From the airport, Venus was led straight to a waiting convoy of vehicles and driven to Federal Palace Hotel, Victoria Island where another group of Journalists had also assembled to receive the tennis queen.
Looking visibly excited about her coming to Lagos, she was accompanied by her managers, who however, did not allow her to entertain any questions from the journalists saying, Venus and Serena will speak to the media elaborately on the purpose of their visit during a Media Conference scheduled to hold on Wednesday 31, October 2012 in Lagos. 
Both Serena and Venus Williams are in Lagos as part of the Nigerian leg of a planned tour of two African countries, namely Nigeria and South Africa.
They are here on the platform of Breaking The Mould (BTM) campaign, a women's empowerment programme put together by Octagon and its West Africa affiliate, Connect Marketing Services Ltd.
While in Lagos, they will participate in a number of supporting initiatives such as a tennis clinic, school visit, exhibition match and gala dinner among others.
Through these initiatives, they will be motivating, inspiring and mentoring diverse audiences in particular women and young persons as well as other categories of people to be the best they can be, regardless of obstacles on their way.
Serena and Venus Williams are considered fit as “Mould Breakers” as the story of their lives exemplifies how determination, passion, hard work and self-belief can turn dreams into reality, despite obstacles.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Russell Brand sued by man who claims he hit him in car

RUSSELL Brand is being sued by a man who claims the comic drove into him earlier this year.

Pedestrian Victor Sneed has accused the Rock Of Ages star of driving “negligently” when he struck him in Los Angeles.
In documents obtained by website TMZ, Sneed says he suffered personal injury, property damage and had to fork out on hospital bills as a result of the January collision.
Although the extent of the alleged victim’s injuries remains unclear, he claims he lost wages while he recovered from the incident.
Sneed is seeking £25,000 in damages.
In July, Brand avoided a possible prison term for smashing a photographer’s iPhone in New Orleans last year.
The 37-year-old agreed to pay a fine in excess of £300 and complete 20 hours of community service in a deal which saw prosecutors drop a criminal damage charge.
The funnyman could have ended up with six months behind bars after snatching the snapper’s phone and hurling it through the window of an abandoned building.
He turned himself in to police shortly after the altercation and joked on Twitter: "Since Steve Jobs died I cannot bear to see anyone use an iphone irreverently, what I did was a tribute to his memory."

Chelsea stars swear ref did abuse Mikel Obi

MAKING HIS MARK ... Clattenburg and Mikel clash 
I don't usually pay attention to anything that has to do with soccer, even though i'm a Chelsea fan but i hardly watch their matches because football is not my thing at all...but this story however, cought my attention.......well the story goes like this...

OUTRAGED Chelsea stars have given sworn statements claiming John Obi Mikel WAS racially abused by ref Mark Clattenburg.

They are prepared to give evidence to the FA inquiry set up to investigate the accusations after the 3-2 defeat by Manchester United.
The statements were taken from several senior players at the club’s training ground yesterday when they reported for a warm-down. It is also alleged Clattenburg called Juan Mata ‘a Spanish t**t.’
The row took a further twist last night when the Metropolitan Police became involved after the Association of Black Lawyers reported the incident as a “racially-aggravated offence” against Mikel and Mata. Police chiefs will now have to decide whether a criminal offence was committed by Clattenburg.
FA chiefs are determined to deal with the explosive allegations as a matter of urgency after being accused of dragging their feet over the John Terry case.
It took an independent commission an agonising 11 months to finally suspend the Chelsea captain for four games and fine him £220,000 for racially abusing QPR’s Anton Ferdinand.
Clattenburg, 37, has already been left off the list of appointments for this weekend’s Premier League fixtures. And he is unlikely to take charge of another game until the matter has been resolved.

Racism claims could end referee's career

MARK CLATTENBURG'S career as a ref could be over if he is proven to have racially abused a Chelsea player
The game’s governing body launched the inquiry last night after receiving an ‘extraordinary incident report’ from Clattenburg and a further report from match delegate Nick Cusack.
Chelsea have accused Clattenburg of using ‘inappropriate language’ to two of their players. Nigerian international Mikel is convinced he was racially insulted by Clattenburg and stunned the Chelsea dressing room when he repeated the words he believed had been used to him.
When it was then claimed that one of the club’s Spanish players, believed to be Mata, was also insulted by the ref, chairman Bruce Buck and chief executive Ron Gourlay were both summoned.
It is understood that at least three players aside from Mikel, including Brazilian Ramires, have stated they heard Clattenburg’s comments.
Boss Roberto Di Matteo was accompanied by Mikel when he confronted Clattenburg with the allegations in the referee’s room after the match.
And it was only after two hours of discussions with the players to establish the full facts that Chelsea decided to proceed with their official complaint.
Referees’ union Prospect declared: “We are committed to helping to eradicate racism in football and in society generally.
“In the context of that commitment, Prospect is offering full support to Mark Clattenburg in relation to the allegations made against him.”

Monday, 29 October 2012

The Kardashians threatened with a lawsuit over their new cosmetic line name

The Kardashians have been accused of a cheap cover-up, stealing the name of a guy who sells the fancy products.
Kim, Khloe and Kourtney are launching Khroma Beauty....a cosmetics line you can get next month at not-so-fancy places.
Michael Rey, the co-owner of Chroma Makeup in Beverly Hills says that his brand took 12 years of blood, sweat and tears to build and now boasts an A-list clientele..but he grouses the Kardashians line cheapens his products and creates confusion in the marketplace.
Michael Rey fears his high-end customers will run for other parts of the Hills...thinking their primo cosmetics are not so primo after all....and they'll be embarrassed to say they wear Chroma.
Michael says he's hired a legal team, but hasn't made contact with the KLardashians just yet. He hopes they'll change the name...but if they don't, he's prepared to take action.
Michael has drafted a letter to his customers making it clear that Chroma is in no way associated with the products the Kardashians are about to launch.
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